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Submission Guidelines

Posted in Terra Artis(EN)

The manuscript of the article must be in Russian or English (for foreign researchers only).

The size of the manuscript will not exceed 2 standard author’s sheets for articles, 0.5 standard author’s sheet for book reviews and exhibition reviews.

1 standard author’s sheet is a unit of 40,000 characters  including spaces; or 3,000 cm2 of illustrations (1 illustration of the 190×270 mm format = 1/6 of the standard author's sheet or 6,700 characters).

The manuscript must be submitted to the editorial board in  electronic form to the address Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..

The single email must include all files containing all parts of the article: the text, tables, and original illustrations in compliance with the technical requirements.

The manuscript and accompanying documents must be sent as  a single ZIP archive.

The text part of the article is a single file that includes:

  • The author's (authors’) full name(s)
  • Article title (up to12 words)
  • Abstract (150-250 words)
  • Keywords (up to 10)
  • The text of the article
  • List of references
  • List of abbreviations
  • Captions for figures and tables
  • Information about the author (surname, first name, patronymic, place of work, academic degree, position; institution's postal address, email address, ORCID ID - if not available, it should be obtained by registering on the website: https://orcid.org//)

The article title, abstract, keywords, captions for tables and figures, and information about the author  must be provided  both in Russian and English.

The illustrative part of the article includes the source files of the  illustrations. Each file must contain one single figure or table. If an illustration includes multiple parts, they must all be grouped into one file with the correct arrangement of parts. The file name must start with the author's  surname and contain the  item number according to the list of illustrations in the text part of the article: Ivanov_fig_01

Text formatting

The article file must be submitted in *.rtf format. When typing the text, use the following formatting: font - Times New Roman, font size - 12, line spacing - 1.5.

The text of the article must be clearly structured and include subheadings. The following sections should be included:

  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions

When formatting the text, please consider the following:

  • Use double quotation marks (" ") for quotes, and single quotation marks (' ') for quotes within quotes.
  • Always include a space between the initials and the surname: A. P. Smith.
  • All measurements and units must be in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).
  • Represent all powers as follows: m², x³.
  • Use point as decimal separator.
  • Use the following abbreviations for chronological dates, times, and time intervals: BC, AD before Christ, Anno Domini. Centuries and years must be written in Arabic numerals: 2nd century BC; 1965-1970. When indicating chronological intervals, provide the lower limit first, then the upper limit: 20-18 thousand years

Bibliographic reference formatting:

  • Bibliographic references are formatted in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5–2008 "Bibliographic Reference. General Requirements and Rules for Compilation."
  • Bibliographic references are indicated in the text in square brackets. They include the author's surname followed by a space (without punctuation marks), year of publication, and then a colon followed by the page number: [Gorbunova 2018: 121].
  • If multiple works by the same author were published in the same year, they are marked with Latin letters a, b, c, and so on: Palaguta 2007a, Palaguta 2007b.
  • If there are two authors, their surnames are separated by a comma: [Karpov, Mutia 2020: 100].
  • If there are more than two authors, only the first author is indicated and "et al." is used : [Karpov et al. 2010].
  • Multiple references within square brackets are separated by semicolons: [Karpov 2018: 191; Palaguta 2000: 26].
  • With collective works, the initial words of the title are provided followed by an ellipsis: [Contemporary Art Studies… 2012].
  • The complete list of references to all used materials is placed at the end of the article in the "References" section. Each bibliographic description starts with the reference in the same format as it is given in the text.
  • Works by the same author must be arranged in chronological order.
  • Bibliographic entry must include the surname(s) and initials of all authors, the full title of the work, publication details (where it was published: place, publisher, or publishing organisation), publication year, volume (for multi-volume works), issue (for periodicals), and the publication size (number of pages for monographs, the first and the last page numbers for articles).
  • Reference to internet resources, in addition to the standard bibliographic details, includes the internet address (URL) and the date of access.
  • Electronic publications with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) assigned by an international organisation are referenced as print editions, and must also include the DOI without a full stop after it. The URL is not provided.


  • Gorbulova T.V. In the Era of Change. Our Leningrad Artists. Saint Petersburg: Aleteia, 2017. 216 p.
  • Karpov A.V., Mutia N.N., Palaguta I.V. Architecture in the Era of Vertical Power // Contemporary Art in the Context of Globalization: Science, Education, Art Market. Materials of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, January 29, 2010, Saint Petersburg. Saint Petersburg: SPbUP, 2010. P. 148–156.
  • Foster H., Krauss R., Buchlon B.H.D., et al. Art since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012. 816 p.
  • Gere S. European Decorative Art at the World’s Fairs: 1850–1890 // The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, New Series. 1998–1999. No. 3 (56). P. 1–56.
  • Zolotukhin Iu.V. Evolution of the Model. Ancient Modelling. Origins of Modelling in Design [Electronic resource] // Visnyk Kharkivskoi derzhavnoi akademii dyzainu i mystetstv. Art Studies. 2012. No. 9. P. 80–92. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/had_2012_9_16 (accessed: 10/30/2018).

The list of references is to be provided in two versions: the original one and the Romanized (Latin-script) one. To TRANSLITERATE the titles of Russian-language items, please use the ALA-LC transliteration system WITHOUT DIACRITICS. The editorial board recommends using this automatic transliterator:

ConvertCyrillic https://translit.net On the left, choose Russian Language, and on the right, select LC (Library of Congress) Romanization without Diacritics

To format the TRANSLITERATED LIST, please remove the items not indexed by bibliographic databases, such as reports, documents, archival materials or research volumes that do not bear the name of the chief editor. The transliterated title of the cited article, monograph, or collection must be followed by the title in English in square brackets if the original text is in English or there is a published English translation. References to volume, number and pages on the translated list must be translated and abbreviated as "vol.," "no.," and "pp." City names must be provided in full, with no abbreviations  in the transliterated list.

All structural elements of the transliterated list of references must be separated by commas. Titles of monographs, journals, and research volumes are italicised.

Transliterated items must be listed in alphabetical order in English as follows:


  • Pomerantsev, N.N., Russkaia dereviannaia skul'ptura, Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik Publ., 1967, 132 p., (In Russian).

Journal article:

  • Malinovskaia, T.A., Dvukhosnovye kovry, Dekorativnoe iskusstvo SSSR, 1989, no. 2, pp. 32–33, (In Russian).

Article in a research volume:

  • Zhilina, N.V., Tipologiia zhenskogo golovnogo ubora s ukrasheniiami vtoroi poloviny XIII–XVII v., in: Zhenskaia traditsionnaia kul'tura i kostium v epokhu Srednevekov'ia i Novoe vremia. Materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-obrazovatel'nogo seminara, 9–10 November, Moscow, Moscow: Al'ians-Arkheo Publ., 2015, iss. 2, pp. 38–65, (In Russian).

Online source:

  • Marcadé, Jean-Claude, O suprematizme Malevicha, Vania Marcadé, 15 March 2016, (Online) Available from: http://www.vania-marcade.com/о-супрематизме-малевича/ (accessed 17 May 2020). (In Russian).

References to archival sources:

In the text:

  • [ОР РНБ. Ф. 41. Ед. хр. 45]

In the Sources Section:

  • Grebenshchikov, Ia.P., K nebol'shomu kursu po bibliografii: materialy i zametki, 26 fevr. – 10 marta 1924 g., Russian National Library, Manuscripts Department, Stock 41, Record 45, pp. 1–10, (In Russian).

Technical requirements for illustrations:

Illustrations must be submitted in raster format *.tif (without compression) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Black and white illustrations must be in Grayscale mode. Colour illustrations must be in RGB mode.

Vector illustrations must be provided in the standard file format of the graphics editor in which they were prepared, EPS format is also acceptable.

Other files:

Tables must be in *.rtf format only (MS Excel files, *.jpg, *.tif, etc. will  not be accepted), each table must be attached as a separate file. The file name must start with the sequential number according to the list of illustrations in the text.