Current Issue
Current Issue
All materials submitted for publication in the Terra Artis. Art and Design journal (hereinafter the journal) are peer reviewed.
All materials (research articles, reviews, etc.) submitted for publication in the journal are subject to preliminary assessment by the publishing editor or Editor-in-Chief of the journal to ensure compliance with the established formal requirements for published materials (topic, permissible size, structure, formatting, keywords and abstract both in Russian and English, list of sources and references, necessary contact information, permissions to publish images, etc.) and to check that no unauthorised borrowings of text, illustrations, tables, etc. are to be found in the manuscript.
If the article is submitted by a PhD student (or a master’s student), a review-recommendation by their academic advisor must be attached, indicating the advisor's academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, and contact information and certified with the advisor's signature and the organisation's seal.
In case the submitted material is rejected based on the results of the preliminary review, the author will be sent a written notification.
All materials that are not rejected following the preliminary review are subject to mandatory independent scientific peer review either by a specialist with the closest scientific specialisation to the article's topic and holding a candidate’s or doctoral degree, or by a practitioner with experience and professional recognition in a field that is as close as possible to the topic of the material. All reviewers should have scientific articles related to the field of the topic of the reviewed material and published in the last 3 years.
Peer reviews can be conducted by external experts and the members of the journal's Editorial Board, provided there is no conflict of interest (such as author-reviewer hierarchical relationships, academic supervision/co-authorship, etc.).
The peer review is double-blind. The authors’ identities are not disclosed to the reviewers. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the individual reviewer, the reviewers’ identities are not disclosed to the authors.
The decision to appoint a reviewer is made by the publishing editor or the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
Peer reviewing voluntary and unpaid. The reviewer can choose to decline the review request, but must notify the editorial office within 5 days of receiving the article.
Peer review of research manuscripts should enable the reviewers to provide substantiated answers to the following questions:
1) Does the content of the article correspond to the topic stated in its title?
2) What constitutes the academic novelty (originality) of the material (if any)?
3) What constitutes the informational novelty (originality) of the material (if any)?
4) How does the reviewed material relate to the existing literature and contemporary research on the relevant subject matter (whether it was taken into account, used, borrowed, compiled, etc.)?
5) Are there any signs of unauthorised borrowing or other violations of research ethics by the author in the material?
6) What constitutes the practical significance of the material (if any)?
7) Is the material presented in a clear manner? Does it follow the general and specific requirements for the structure of the publication, language and style of presentation, terminology used, clarity of tables, diagrams, figures, and formulas, correct formatting of endnotes, and the accuracy of the bibliography, etc.?
8) How accurately are digital data used, how are calculations made, etc.?
9) Is the reviewed material of interest to the journal's readers (if so, why)?
Following the peer review, the reviewer must provide one of the following recommendations:
1) A recommendation for publication of the material as such (unconditionally).
2) A recommendation for publication of the material offering the author to consider the reviewers’ comments and suggestions and make improvements (at the author's discretion)
3) A recommendation to reject the submitted material with the right to resubmit.
4) A recommendation to reject the submitted material without the right to resubmit.
Peer review time is 2 weeks for an article.
The journal's Editorial Board is required to ensure that the reviewers maintain the confidentiality of any information about the research manuscript submitted for review. Reviewers commit to keep confidential the existence of the work and its content, any information about the author that becomes known to them, etc.
The text of the review must not include any form of indirect discussion of the author's identity (such as assumptions about their professional and social status, nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship, or political stance).
If a conflict of interest is suspected, the reviewer must notify the editorial office within 10 days of receiving the article.
Reviewers are not allowed to discuss the manuscript being reviewed with any third party. Prior to the publication of the material, reviewers are not entitled to making use of or referring to the reviewed materials.
All reviews conducted by members of the editorial board are certified by the publisher, while reviews conducted by external reviewers are certified according to the procedures established at the institution where the reviewer works.
If the review contains recommendations for corrections and revisions to the article, the journal’s publishing editor sends the reviewer's comments to the author, along with a suggestion to consider them in preparing a new version of the article or to provide a reasoned rebuttal (partialor full). The article revised (reworked) by the author is then sent back for re-review.
If an article is not recommended for publication by the reviewer, it is not accepted for re-review. The negative peer review is sent to the author via email.
Receiving a positive peer review is not a sufficient basis for publication.
The editorial board has the right to provide research and literary editing of articles recommended for publication if agreed by the author(s).
The final decision about the advisability of publication is made by the journal's Editorial Board and is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Editorial Board.
There is no fee for publishing articles. Articles are published on a non-remunerative basis.
The originals of peer reviews are kept at the journal's editorial office for a period of 5 years from the date of publication of the material or from the date of the decision to reject the manuscript.
The journal’s editorial office sends copies of reviews or rejection letters to the authors, and will send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon request.
The Terra artis. Art and Design publishes original research that is representative of the level of contemporary art studies in Russia and abroad. The journal seeks to highlight the latest trends in art and design and to showcase the best examples.
Journal editorial ethics are a set of principles and rules that all those involved in the process of academic publishing — authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers — should adhere to.
The Editorial Board is guided by the modern legal requirements of the Russian legislation regarding copyright and plagiarism and the ethical principles shared by the community of publishers of leading academic periodicals, and is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works.
The editorial policy of the journal Terra Artis. Art and Design follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Ethical principles in the activities of the Editorial Board and the publisher:
Unpublished data contained in manuscripts submitted for review are not used or disclosed to third parties without the written consent of the author(s). Information or ideas obtained during the editing process are kept confidential.
The Editorial Board does not permit the publication of information if there are reasons to believe it is plagiarism or if it contains materials prohibited from being published.
The Editorial Board will not leave unattended complaints about the reviewed manuscripts or published materials, and in case of a conflict, it takes all necessary measures to restore the violated rights.
Ethical principles in the activities of the reviewer
The reviewer assessing author’s research materials should be impartial and adhere to the following principles:
Ethical principles in the activities of the author
The author (or group of authors) recognise(s) their responsibility for the novelty and reliability of research results and adhere(s) to the following principles:
The authors guarantee that the article submitted for editorial review is an original work and has not been published before in any print and/or electronic publications.
The authors guarantee that the article lists all the authors and/or publications (materials) cited, as required by copyright law, and that all the required permissions have been obtained to make use of the results, facts, and other borrowed materials in the article.
The authors guarantee that the article does not contain materials that are exempt from publication in the open press according to the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation, and that its publication and distribution will not result in the disclosure of secret (confidential) information (including state secret information).
The rules for retracting a published article are based on the guidelines, recommendations and standards of international professional organisations (primarily the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE), and other foreign and Russian professional organisations (in particular, the Association of Science Editors and Publishers – ANRI).
The purpose of retraction is to correct published information and to warn other authors and readers against using the results of the retracted article in their research, to ensure the integrity of conscientious research and to protect the journal’s reputation.
Reasons for article retraction:
Article retraction from the journal may be initiated following an official request to the editorial office either by the author(s) of the article or by other concerned individuals reporting evidence of misconduct; or at the initiative of the publisher or the editorial board.
Retraction is not dependent on the length of time since the publication date of the article in which research misconduct is found.
The procedure for article retraction is carried out following an investigation and a decision by the editorial board based on the results of the investigation. The decision to retract the article is recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
After the retraction procedure is completed, information about the retraction is sent to the information resources where the journal is indexed or hosted. The electronic version of the article posted on the official website of the publisher is marked as RETRACTED alongside the retraction date.
The manuscript of the article must be in Russian or English (for foreign researchers only).
The size of the manuscript will not exceed 2 standard author’s sheets for articles, 0.5 standard author’s sheet for book reviews and exhibition reviews.
1 standard author’s sheet is a unit of 40,000 characters including spaces; or 3,000 cm2 of illustrations (1 illustration of the 190×270 mm format = 1/6 of the standard author's sheet or 6,700 characters).
The manuscript must be submitted to the editorial board in electronic form to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The single email must include all files containing all parts of the article: the text, tables, and original illustrations in compliance with the technical requirements.
The manuscript and accompanying documents must be sent as a single ZIP archive.
The text part of the article is a single file that includes:
The article title, abstract, keywords, captions for tables and figures, and information about the author must be provided both in Russian and English.
The illustrative part of the article includes the source files of the illustrations. Each file must contain one single figure or table. If an illustration includes multiple parts, they must all be grouped into one file with the correct arrangement of parts. The file name must start with the author's surname and contain the item number according to the list of illustrations in the text part of the article: Ivanov_fig_01
Text formatting
The article file must be submitted in *.rtf format. When typing the text, use the following formatting: font - Times New Roman, font size - 12, line spacing - 1.5.
The text of the article must be clearly structured and include subheadings. The following sections should be included:
When formatting the text, please consider the following:
Bibliographic reference formatting:
The list of references is to be provided in two versions: the original one and the Romanized (Latin-script) one. To TRANSLITERATE the titles of Russian-language items, please use the ALA-LC transliteration system WITHOUT DIACRITICS. The editorial board recommends using this automatic transliterator:
ConvertCyrillic On the left, choose Russian Language, and on the right, select LC (Library of Congress) Romanization without Diacritics
To format the TRANSLITERATED LIST, please remove the items not indexed by bibliographic databases, such as reports, documents, archival materials or research volumes that do not bear the name of the chief editor. The transliterated title of the cited article, monograph, or collection must be followed by the title in English in square brackets if the original text is in English or there is a published English translation. References to volume, number and pages on the translated list must be translated and abbreviated as "vol.," "no.," and "pp." City names must be provided in full, with no abbreviations in the transliterated list.
All structural elements of the transliterated list of references must be separated by commas. Titles of monographs, journals, and research volumes are italicised.
Transliterated items must be listed in alphabetical order in English as follows:
Journal article:
Article in a research volume:
Online source:
References to archival sources:
In the text:
In the Sources Section:
Technical requirements for illustrations:
Illustrations must be submitted in raster format *.tif (without compression) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
Black and white illustrations must be in Grayscale mode. Colour illustrations must be in RGB mode.
Vector illustrations must be provided in the standard file format of the graphics editor in which they were prepared, EPS format is also acceptable.
Other files:
Tables must be in *.rtf format only (MS Excel files, *.jpg, *.tif, etc. will not be accepted), each table must be attached as a separate file. The file name must start with the sequential number according to the list of illustrations in the text.
Editor-in-Chief — Tatiana V. Gorbunova
— Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation
— Head of the Centre for Innovative Educational Projects, Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz
Deputy Editor-in-Chief — Ilia V. Palaguta
— Doctor of History, Associate Professor
— Head of the Department of Art History, Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz
Executive Secretaries — Alena Iu. Volokhova, Tatiana B. Muraveva
— specialists of the Centre for Innovative Educational Projects, Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz
Publishing Editors:
The Restoration single-topic issue
— Mikhail G. Rogoznyi, Head of the Department of Painting and Restoration, Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz;
The Decorative and Aplied Arts and Visual Arts and Architecture single-topic issues
— Aleksandr V. Karpov, PhD in Cultural Studies,
Professor, Centre for Innovative Educational Projects, Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz;
— Natalia N. Mutia, PhD in Art History,
Professor, Centre for Innovative Educational Projects, Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz;
The Design single-topic issue
— Elena Iu. Lekus, PhD in Cultural Studies,
Associate Professor, Centre for Innovative Educational Projects, Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz;
— Kseniia V. Bandorina, PhD in Art History,
Associate Professor, Centre for Innovative Educational Projects, Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz;
Mailing Address of the Editorial Board: 191028, Solyanoy per. 13, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +7 (812) 273-29-93
The Editorial Council of the Terra Artis. Art and Design is comprised of leading Russian and foreign experts in the fields of expertise and research specialisation relevant to the journal's materials.
The Editorial Board provides academic guidance and assistance to the journal by offering expert assessment of the journal's materials, resolving disputes related to peer reviews, and, when necessary, by providing reviews of the materials of the journal as an academic publication.
The composition of the Editorial Council may change by the decision of its individual members and through collective decisions of the Editorial Board.
The Editorial Council is chaired by the Rector of Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz.
Anna N. Kislitsyna — Chair
— PhD in History, Associate Professor
— Rector of Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Svetlana M. Gracheva
— Doctor of Art History, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts
— Dean of the Faculty of Theory and History of Arts, Professor of the Department of Russian Art, Saint Petersburg Repin Academy of Arts
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Natalia M. Kalashnikova
— Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, Merited Science Worker of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, member of ICOM, member of the European Textile Network (ETN)
— Head of the Department of Ethnography of Eastern, Southeastern and Central Europe, Russian Museum of Ethnography
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Gabriela Krist
— University Professor, Doctor of Philosophy
— Head of the Institute of Conservation, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Vienna, Austria
Vladimir A. Lenyashin
— Doctor of Art History, Professor, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of the Union of Artists of Russia
— Head of the Department of Russian Art, Saint Petersburg Repin Academy of Arts
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Galina N. Lola
— Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, member of the Association of Designers of Russia
— Professor, Department of Design, Faculty of the Arts, Saint Petersburg State University
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Ivan R. Marazov
— Doctor of Art History, Professor, recipient of the prize “For Art Research” and of the prize of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts
— Honorary Professor of the New Bulgarian University
Sofia, Bulgaria
Olga L. Nekrasova-Karateeva
— Doctor of Art History, Professor, Merited Art Worker of the Russian Federation
— Professor of the Department of Decorative Arts and Design, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Iurii A. Nikitin
— Doctor of Architecture, Associate Professor, Member of the Saint Petersburg Union of Architects
— Head of the Department of History of Architecture and Preservation of Architectural Heritage, Saint Petersburg Repin Academy of Arts Saint Petersburg, Russia
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Ahmet Can Özcan
— Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
— Head of the Department of Industrial Design, Izmir University of Economics
Izmir, Turkey
Leonid Iu. Salmin
— PhD in Art History, member of the Association of Designers of Russia
— Professor of the Department of Graphic Design, Ural State University of Architecture and Art
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Liubov V. Shirshova
— Doctor of Art History, Associate Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts; Merited Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Merited Culture Worker of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, member of the International Association of Art (IAA/AIAP )
— Adviser to the Scientific Secretary, Russian Academy of Arts
Moscow, Russia
Elena G. Shishkova
— PhD in Art History, Art Restorer of the Highest Category
— Head of the Laboratory for Scientific Restoration of Oriental Painting, State Hermitage Museum
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Margarita S. Stieglitz
— Doctor of Architecture, Professor, member of the Union of Architects of Russia, member of the Council of the National Committee of the ICOMOS, member of the Presidium of the Petersburg Branch of the Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (VOOPIiK), member of the Council for the Protection of Cultural Heritage under the Government of Saint Petersburg
— Professor of the Centre for Innovative Educational Projects, Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A.L. Stieglitz
Saint Petersburg, Russia
The TERRA ARTIS. Art and Design is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A. L. Stieglitz, one of Russia's leading universities in decorative and applied arts and design.
The journal (ISSN: 2712-8768) is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). Print media registration certificate PI No. FS77-80162 was issued on 22 January 2021.
The journal is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
As of 1 October 2024, the journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed academic journals approved by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) under the following specialisations:
The journal publishes articles on the theory, history and practice of visual, decorative and applied arts, architecture and design, art education, art restoration, and a wide range of related issues in the humanities and natural sciences. The main requirements for submissions are their relevance, novelty, and originality of the author’s perspective.
Languages: Russian and English.
The journal is published on a quarterly basis (four issues per year) in print form.
Each issue has a thematic focus corresponding to the educational programmes and the research scope of the Stieglitz Academy:
— Restoration (submission deadline: 1 December)
— Decorative and Applied Arts (submission deadline: 1 March)
— Design (submission deadline: 1 June)
— Visual Arts and Architecture (submission deadline: 1 September).
Electronic versions of the journal are available on the Stieglitz Academy website ( and on the e-Library and platforms in open access mode.
In its activities, the journal’s editorial board and editorial council adhere to the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Subscription index: ВН019080 in the Ural-Press subscription catalogue.
Founder and Publisher: Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A. L. Stieglitz.
Publisher's mailing address: 13, Solyanoy per., Saint Petersburg, Russia 191028
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +7 (812) 273-29-93
Founder and publisher: Saint Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A. L. Stieglitz
Publisher's mailing address: 191028, Solyanoy per. 13, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +7 (812) 273-29-93